Government of Nepal

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Department of Livestock Services

Veterinary Standards and Drug Regulatory Laboratory

Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu

Other Downloads

S.N. Title
1 Environment Protection Regulation 2020 Download
2 Environment Protection Act 2019 Download
3 Application format for import / procurement of chicks / fingerlings Anusuchi 2 Download
4 Application format for Sales of chicks Anusuchi 4 Download
5 Veterinary Inspection Guidelines 2065 Download
6 Format of application for import of animal vaccines as Annex 3 Download
7 Format of application for import of disinfectant as Annex 6 Download
8 Application for sales permit of chicks, eggs and fish fingerlings as Anusuchi 4 Download
9 Application format of import export and purchase from domestic producer of chicks/ hatching eggs / f Download
10 Anusuchi 7 Download
11 Format of application for recommendation for firm / Industry establishment as Annex 1 Download
12 Anusuchi 5 Format for Farm Inspection Download